Mindylynns Kitchen

April 8, 2014

All natural Yeast infection salve

Filed under: Health — Tags: , , , — Mindy M. @ 12:42 pm

So long vagasil, this is my natural alternative. (sorry for the TMI)
This salve arose out of necessity. While on vacation I developed the worst case of yeast overgrowth in my you know…I was in an unfamiliar city and it was the middle of the night.  There was no way I was going to be able to sleep.  I went to take some ibuprofen for the swelling, when I noticed my oregano oil capsules that I take for my sinus yeast overgrowth…. Well duh, Mindy! I emptied 2 of the capsuls into some coconut oil and used it twice a day on the 2 day ride home. It helped, but didn’t completely cure the issue. So when at home I mixed this up. It works (and smells) great. 6 days on this and it cleared the whole thing up. Also helped with the immediate itching. Also, works on diaper caused by yeast and soothes the rest, my kids love it.


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