Mindylynns Kitchen

October 1, 2010

Tips & Tricks

Filed under: — Mindy M. @ 4:43 pm

For an endless supply of green onion simply place store bought green onion roots down into a cup of water placed on the kitchen windowsill.  The onions will continue to grow and you can harvest green onion from the top and the onion will continue to grow.

To remove blood from fabric.  Pour hydrogen peroxide directly on the stain and then rinse.  repeat until blood is gone.  This will only work on new blood stains. Don’t soak colored fabrics in the peroxide for extended periods of time.

To clean a dirty microwave.  Put a large microwave safe container full of water in the microwave and turn it on for 3-5 minutes.  Then simply wipe clean…this works REALLY well.

When I have a cold sore I gargle (not swallow) hydrogen peroxide, it helps it go away faster and for some reason seems to hurt less for a while after doing this (I am not a doctor or nurse, so research this and if you decide to do it…it’s on your own head.)

When your baby toddler has a runny nose, use a baby wipe instead of a tissue…it’s a lot more gentle and it cleans off dried on snot better

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